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Graphics and photos

How do I load an image from a file?

$image = new Image('file name');
// for example:
$image = new Image('folder/file.png');

How do I load an image from a string?

$content file_get_contents('folder/file.png');
$image = new Image($content'png');

How do I create a new (empty) image?

$image = new Image();
$width 640;
$height 480;

How do I create a thumbnail?

$image = new Image('folder/file.png');
$width 50;
// if $height is not defined,
// the image is resized proportional

 How do I create a form to upload pictures?

<form method="POST" action="%PHP_SELF%" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Upload image: <input type="file" name="my_image" />
// get data from form field 'my_image'
$id 'my_image';
// output to directory 'foo/bar/' using filename 'image'
// (extension will be determined automatically)
$file 'foo/bar/image';
// output as png image
$type 'png';
// limit upload to 150 kbyte
$size 150000;
// resize to 150px x 200px
$width 150;
$height 200;
// leave aspect-ratio untouched
$ratio true;
// set background color to gray
$color = array(808080);

// call method
$result Image::uploadFile($id$file$type$size$width$height$ratio$color);

// check for errors
if (is_string($result)) {

    print "The image was successfully uploaded to '$result'";

// error handling
} else {

    switch ($result)
        case UPLOAD_ERR_SIZE:
        case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
        case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
            die('File too big!');

        case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
            die('No file has been uploaded!');

            die("Unable to write to file: '$file'");

        case UPLOAD_ERR_FILE_TYPE:
            die('The file is not a recognized image!');

            die('Some unexpected error occurred!');


How do I draw lines, geometric figures and text?

// create an empty image
$image = new Image();
$width 180;
$height 120;

// set line width to 3px (optional)

// fill canvas with background color
$x 0;
$y 0;

// draw a line
$x1 10;
$y1 10;
$x2 100;
$y2 30;

// draw a circle
$x 30;
$y 50;
$width 50;

// draw a rectangle
$x 10;
$y 60;
$width 100;
$height 50;
$border $image->black;
$fill $image->navy;

// draw a triangle (or other polygon)
$points = array(
=> array( 20),
=> array( 4020 ),
=> array( 020 )
$x 50;
$y 80;
$border $image->black;
$fill $image->yellow;
$image->drawPolygon($points$x$y$border $fill);

// write a text
$text 'Hello World';
$x 70;
$y 40;

// Use of brushes

// create new brush
$brush = new Brush('small star');
// set brush size to 10px
// set brush color to red
// select the brush

// draw a dot using the brush
$x 150;
$y 100;

// output file to browser

Figure: Script output

Details on use of colors

If you work with images, you need colors to draw lines, text or surfaces.

There are 17 predefined colors. These are:

  1. $image->aqua
  2. $image->black
  3. $image->blue
  4. $image->fuchsia
  5. $image->gray
  6. $image->green
  7. $image->grey (Alias von $image->gray)
  8. $image->lime
  9. $image->maroon
  10. $image->navy
  11. $image->olive
  12. $image->purple
  13. $image->red
  14. $image->silver
  15. $image->teal
  16. $image->white
  17. $image->yellow

You can get other colors by calling: $color = $image->getColor($red, $green, $blue); where $red, $green, $blue are integers between 0 and 255.

It is important to you understand, that a color is not an object by itself, but a specific property of a graphic. This is, each image has its own color palette and each color is a part (mathematically speaking an "element") of this palette.

The palette of the image is an indexed set of all contained in the graphic colors. A color is represented by an integer. To be more precise: it is the index number of this color within the color palette of the image. This means, number 1 names the color, which is stored at position 1 of the image's color palette. For example, this color might be "red" in this image. However, you should note, that depends on the color palette and differs from one image to another.

Which graphic filters and effects are there?

Here is a list with examples for some interesting methods of the class image:

$image = new Image('foo.png');

/* set brightness
 * integer of -1.0 trough +1.0 (-100% and +100%)
$amount 0.5/* 0.5 = +50% */

Figure: Script output

/* set contrast
 * integer of -1.0 trough +1.0 (-100% and +100%)
$amount 0.5/* 0.5 = +50% */

Figure: Script output

/* blur the image 
 * integer of 0.0 trough +1.0 (0% and +100%)
$amount 0.8/* 0.8 = 80% */

Figure: Script output

/* sharpen the image
 * integer of 0.0 trough +1.0 (0% and +100%)
$amount 0.8/* 0.8 = 80% */

Figure: Script output

/* set to 256 colors grayscale palette

Figure: Script output

/* colorize the image
 * $red, $green, $blue = integer -255 through 255
 * the given color value is added to colors of the image
$red = -80;
$green = -40;
$blue 120;

Figure: Script output

/* multiply
 * $red, $green, $blue = integer 0 through 255
 * the given color value is multiplied to the colors of the image
$red 100;
$green 255;
$blue 50;
/* this examples reduces the red- and clue channels */

Figure: Script output

/* monochromatic filter
 * $red, $green, $blue = integer 0 through 255
 * Colorized the image using the given color.
$red 130;
$green 180;
$blue 200;

Figure: Script output

/* invert color values (negate)

Figure: Script output

For more details and examples see the API documentation.

Author: Thomas Meyer, www.yanaframework.net